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Message from Inspector General Daniel G. Cort

​​Ensuring a robust and accountable Metropolitan Transportation Authority has remained the primary objective of the Office of the MTA Inspector General since it was created in 1983. As we enter our fifth decade serving New Yorkers we must continue to evolve and adapt.

The MTA workforce is 70,000 strong, and their duty is to maintain a safe, clean, and reliable transportation network for its millions of users. They must perform this monumental task amid a daunting set of challenges: a post-Covid return toward normal ridership, the increasing impact of extreme weather, aging infrastructure, and ever-present security concerns.

It’s easy to get off-track under these circumstances and our oversight plays an essential role. ​That requires being as accessible as possible, having meaningful interactions with MTA workers, and engaging with them through new outreach campaigns that utilize several creative approaches. We hope our efforts at being more visible will not only serve as a deterrent, but also let the MTA workforce know that there is a safe place to report suspected wrongdoing.

This office will always maintain its independence, but we also believe it is important to maintain a good working relationship with MTA management, one that can withstand the inevitable moments of tension and disagreement. A collaborative approach not only enriches our understanding of the MTA but also underscores the collective responsibility we have towards the public we serve.​

There is much more work to be done, which requires us to develop initiatives that will move OIG forward. This includes better integrating cutting-edge technologies into investigations and keeping a watchful eye on the large-scale projects shaping our transit landscape.

We are also utilizing analytics and data to identify trends and anomalies to help maximize the MTA’s operational effectiveness and provide better service to the public.

Through collaboration and transparency, through the tireless efforts of our staff, and by working effectively with the MTA leadership and workforce, we will navigate the challenges of tomorrow with confidence and integrity.

Daniel G. Cort​
MTA Inspector General

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