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​​​​​The New York State Office of the MTA Inspector General makes available to the public certain of its records pursuant to the New York State Freedom of Information Law (Article 6 of the Public Officers Law), also known as "FOIL." Available records include the agency's public reports and other information which is not exempt from disclosure pursuant to the provisions of FOIL or other law.

In order to make a request for records of this agency pursuant to FOIL, requests must be in writing and include your name and address, additional contact information if relevant, and a detailed description of the records. The request may specify whether you wish to inspect the records or have copies sent to you. In the absence of a stated preference, the Office will assume you wish to obtain copies of available records.

Making a FOIL Request

Please note that the MTA OIG does not handle FOIL requests seeking records of the MTA and its constituent agencies. All such FOIL requests must be directed to those agencies. Instructions on how to do so can be found at

A FOIL request must be in writing, and may be delivered personally, or by regular mail, fax or email to:

Records Access Officer
Office of the MTA Inspector General
One Penn Plaza, 11th​ Floor, Suite 1110
New York, NY 10119
Main: (212) 878-0000
Fax: (212) 878-0003

Please understand that we cannot determine whether the records you are seeking will be disclosed until we receive and review your written request. Some records may contain a combination of public information and restricted information. We will review each record requested and remove (or “redact”) the restricted information before it is sent to you.

Inspection of Records

You may inspect available records at the MTA OIG, by appointment with the Records Access Officer, during regular business days and hours, subject to additional rules or regulations that may be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Statutory Copying Fees

Fees for copies of records may be charged as provided by FOIL (Public Officers Law Section 87[1][b][iii]). ​As of the drafting of this notice, for pages of no greater than 8.5 x 14 inches, the fee is 25 cents per page; but the fee is subject to change.

Committee on Open Government

The Committee on Open Government, a unit of the New York State Department of State, is responsible for overseeing and advising with regard to FOIL, the Open Meetings Law and the Personal Privacy Protection Law. To access the Committee’s website, click here.

Right to Appeal

Certain records or portions thereof may be exempt from disclosure pursuant to FOIL (Public Officers Law Section 87[2][a-j]), or other law. If you have been denied access by the Records Access Officer, you will be notified by him or her in writing of the denial and the reason(s) therefor. You have a right to appeal the denial, but any appeal must be made within 30 days of the response from the Records Access Officer by contacting:

Records Access Appeals Officer
Office of the MTA Inspector General
One Penn Plaza, 11th​ Floor, Suite 1110
New York, NY 10119
Fax : (212) 878-0003

The appeal must: (a) identify the records to which access was denied, (b) include your name and address, and (c) be filed no more than thirty (30) days after you receive notice from us of the denial of access.

The decision of the Records Access Appeal Officer constitutes the agency's final determination on the FOIL request.

Subject Matter List

Pursuant to section 87(3)(c) of the Public Officers Law, a subject matter list of records in the possession of the agency has been posted to this website.

Committee on Open Government

​The Committee on Open Government is the New York State agency "responsible for overseeing and advising with regard to the Freedom of Information, Open Meetings and Personal Privacy Protection Laws…" The Committee maintains a website that includes the text of the Freedom of Information Law as well as regulations adopted by the Committee pursuant to FOIL.

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